Photography=LIFE ♥

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5/5/11 - Unphotoshopped Photoshop Photos


So... We've been working with forced perspective photos lately. Have you ever seen optical illusions? This is kind of like that.

Here's a little experiment: Hold your thumb up. At a certain distance from your face, you should be able to block out a whole person (even though that person is probably bigger than your thumb). You know why? Because your thumb is closer to your eyes than that person. Obviously. The farther away that person/object is, the smaller they look. The closer that person/object is, the larger they seem.

When used in photography, it's called Forced Perspective Photography. It can make it look like a photoshopped picture: unrealistic. Except it's real. Its just a little trick. Here's some taken by yours truly:

This one kinda failed... Oh well...

A picture where no one gets hurt! If you have no clue what I'm talking about, scroll down.



And again.

And again.

And again.


Here's another non-painful one! :D

Then back to pain. :)

Hope you liked them! Note: no one was (extremely) hurt in the making of these photos. :)

 - Rosa

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