- Red
- Red-orange
- Orange
- Yellow-orange
- Yellow
- Yellow-green/lime green
- Green
- Blue-green/teal
- Blue
- Blue-violet
- Violet
- Red-violet
Basically, certain colors complimet each other. they're the colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. So: red compliments green, red-orange compliments blue-green, orange compliments blue, and so on and so forth.
Text: A strong, fierce red |
Text: An eye-catching red-orange. |
Text: A conspicuous orange |
Text: A friendly yellow-orange |
Text: A bright, welcoming yellow. |
Text: A light, playful lime green. |
Text: A clear amd crisp green. |
Text: A cute teal. |
Text: A calming yet joyful blue. |
Text: A cool blue-violet. |
Text: A calming violet. |
Text: A warm red-violet. |